"Secret Society of Second-Born Royals" follows Sam, a teenage royal rebel second in line to the throne of the kingdom of Illyria. Just as Sam's disinterest in the royal way of life is at an all-time high, she discovers she has super-human abilities and is invited to join a secret society of similar extraordinary second-born royals charged with keeping the world safe. With guidance from their Secret Society instructor James, Sam and a new class of royal recruits must first learn to harness their new powers at a top-secret training camp before they can save the world.
- Actors: Peyton Elizabeth Lee Niles Fitch Isabella Blake-Thomas
- Format: Color, Widescreen, NTSC
- Language: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
- Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only.)
- Run Time:
- Number of discs: 1
- Average Customer Review: